under 14 years old
While encountering house flies, we may not be able to smack them just the way we do to mosquitoes, wave our hands and kill them. There are two reasons, firstly: it’s hard to hit the flies while they’re in rapid movement. Secondly: once flies are hit, their bodies pollute the walls as well as household utensils, which therefore is not easy to clean and also smelly.
Hence, most fly control patents employ either the trapping method of baiting/photo tropism, or such devices as electric grid / powered bar to kill flies. Among the current patents , nothing is similar to ours. In which we apply two theories: The tendency of flies holding still in windy situation and the electricity of grid or bar to destroy flies. Our Wind and electric power fly-catching machine integrate both the function of hair dryer and mosquito swatter. First , blow the flies staying on the vessel or the wall in a strong wind and make them hold still. Then the "Wind & electric power fly-catching machine" approach them slowly with the high-voltage electric and end their lives , so that the remains of the flies stay and easily to be removed. The "Wind & electric power fly-catching machine" is truly an invention that helps to maintain public hygiene and environment friendly.