above 14 years old



Patrol and fire fighting robot

Description of Invention

Thie Society is developing uncreasingly、 bringing many modern utilities to people、 im proving their life's quality. Howevver、 problems such as theft and fire have always occurred with significant loss and damage that challenge people every day. In an obderved area、 if many cameras are used in different postions、 the overaching and detailed observation can not be compared to arobot、 since the robot can move to all nook and conners. Cameras are often hanged overhead in a fixed position. As a result、 the ability to scan images is limited (due to original fixed camare angle). With Robot with camare、 patrol and monitoring can be conducted in wider space. Navigation sensor hepls robot automatically move and use card reader to monitor robot an all positions. Thanks to a gas、 smoke and fire sensor equipped an the robot、 when something goes wrong such as fire、 robot will alarm the system. People will control robot to deal with fire through hand contronller and computer software.

Patrol and fire fighting robot


Do Khanh Duong
Doan Anh Tu
Nguyen Dinh Khoa
