under 14 years old



Tool Set for Writing Lai Rod Nam Design

Description of Invention

Thai Gilded Black Lacquer or Thai Design Washed with Water or Thai Lai Rod Nam. The invention tool kit for writing artwork is a material grinder、 perforation and brush. The grinder can be used to grind the ingredients to make fine chemicals because of the impact material of the shaft so that the material breaks and scatters the curved surface. Perforate the pieces of material by motor and backlash attached to the needle is the driving force of the machine. It works consistently faster than hand-pinching which may be harmed by needles. Then place paper strips perpendicular to the work piece before blending with clay cloth wrap. The clay powder is passed through the perforations of the wanted pattern. Put the painter in the paintbrush Use a brush paint and do not rub the tip of the brush at all times until the solution is drained. When it comes to inventing tools、 Thai lacquer tools for great Thai lacquer works.

Tool Set for Writing Lai Rod Nam Design


Veravadee Yoothong
