above 14 years old



Motorcycle Air Conditioner

Description of Invention

The invention is called the Motorcycle Air Conditioner. This is designed for the motorcyclists、 intended to let them feel comfortable and cool during driving in hot weather.
A windbreaker is adapted for use as an airtight space、 and an air pipe is used to transfer the cold gases from the main engine to the windbreaker. In the main engine section、 semiconductor refrigeration is applied. And water cooling system is applied to dissipate heat. When it is running、 there is a ten degrees Celsius difference between the environment temperature and the output cool gases.
In practical application、 connect the water cooling system of the semiconductor refrigerator to the motorcycles. The modified motorcycle should provide a stable power to operate both the Motorcycle Air Conditioner and the motorcycle itself.
Moreover、 this system can provide warm gases. To achieve this、 just change the semiconductor refrigeration's electric current direction. Then it will provide warm gases.

Motorcycle Air Conditioner


Hou Wang Tong
