above 14 years old



Smart Trash Can

Description of Invention

Indonesia is a densely populated country. This affects the amount of waste generated resulting in new problems. The number of piles of garbage in the final Disposal Place. In fact、 there is still a lot of waste that can be recycled and reused. The most basic thing that caused the problem is the lack of awareness of the community in sorting waste. The government has categorized waste into various types on different types or colours of trash cans. But people are still not aware to sort the waste according to the categories. Therefore、 the inventor has the idea to create Smart Trash Can. Smart Trash Can is a smart garbage bin that can recognize categories of waste that will be disposed. Trash can lid opens automatically when the garbage disposed of in accordance with the type of trash can.

Smart Trash Can


Gede Herry Arum Wijaya
Ni Putu Gita Naraswati
