above 14 years old



BOTANI (The Bot Farmer)

Description of Invention

Indonesia is an agricultural country、 especially in the northern part of Bandung、 West Java province、 where most of the people live from the agricultural sector、 and most are mushroom and flower growers、 especially orchids. Most of them are conventional farmer that rely on natural conditions and watering at certain intervals (four time a day or more in dry season)、 but when they harvest、 what they get is unstable and less than optimal、 one of the main factor is unstable humidity、 whereas stable air humidity are needed in mushroom and orchids cultivation. Because of that a frequently watering is needed but when the cultivation area is huge、 farmers have to spend more money and energy.
BOTANI is a system that manage the condition of plant cultivation environment (greenhouse) in order to help humidity and temperature optimization without too much human effort (automatic)、 The BOTANI read the environments humidity and the actual temperature in real time、 then automatically affirm the temperature and humidity to the expected point (Set point)、 when the humidity is needed BOTANI will spray some dew and close the greenhouses windows and draw air outside to accelerate the greenhouses cooling.

BOTANI (The Bot Farmer)


Muftie Insani
Firman Dwiansyah
