above 14 years old



Intelligent Safety Window

Description of Invention

From time to time there is countless news report about that young children fall off from the window of their home when parents leave.These tragedies are mainly due to that the windows are left open when parents have gone. Why not the windows automatically close when parents leave their home? The idea break into my heart. In order to achieve our target、 our team invents a smart-window、 which can detect the departure of parents or the adjacence of children and automatically close immediately. With this product、 parents will never need to worry about forgetting to close the window.
Process of designing
In the designing of the product、 we invent of a lot of ideas. Such as using the stepping motor to push the window、 using a small trolley to move it on a track or even using strong magnet to pull the window. In the end、 we choose the stepping motor due to its advantages. For example、 its moving distance is not affected by all kinds of interference factors、 mistakes will not accumulate for a long time. The movement of launching、 stopping、 and reversing is done within few seconds and several pulses.

Intelligent Safety Window


